Weekend away & other news
10 June 2024

Morning folks.... here's hoping some of you managed to get out at the weekend!

Anyway, just wanted to remind those who might not know that we hold a weekend away every year at Goodiford Mill Fishery near Cullompton in Devon: https://goodifordmillleisure.co.uk/ this coming weekend.

Everyone is welcome, no need to enter the 2 friendly matches we hold on Saturday PM & Sunday AM/PM or you can book the specimen lake at the link above & just join us for the BBQ & drinks on the Saurday evening around the camp fire. Always good fun! If you might be interested, just reply to this email.

Other news:

1. A couple of escapees have been caught and returned to Lysander Lake, good to hear, if you do manage to catch any.. please put anything over 10lb in Lucy's Pool & all others in Lysander, thank you!

2. Can we please ask that you stick to the speed limit on the lane leading to Luckfield Lake, lets try & make the repair last a while & keep our lovely neighbour's off our back. Thank you.

3. Working Party request:  Thursday 20th June, Kingcombe 'Lodge Lake', weed removal. FREE full breakfast beforehand, again.. please reply to this email if you think you could assist for a morning. Thank you (it's the day before we host a disabled kids fishing experience day).

Thanks Folks

Steve, DDAS Sec


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